Tri-Mac Speedsters, 2020 Bonneville

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Tri-Mac Speedsters, 2020 Bonneville

Postby ClineDesign » Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:13 am

This report and photos are from Afflick Land Speed Racing Team

First day of racing.
George ran 94mph on a 111 record.
Alan ran 89mph on a 101 record



Always wear protective gear. Usually SPF 30 will do.
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Re: Tri-Mac Speedsters, 2020 Bonneville

Postby John H » Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:22 pm

Allen made 3 runs, gearing up each time. The last being too high. So will try again Monday morning.
George's bike is still running lean but no real damage to the piston. He will be ready for another attempt Monday morning also.
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Re: Tri-Mac Speedsters, 2020 Bonneville

Postby John H » Sat Aug 15, 2020 7:31 pm

The salt gremlins kept George from taking his record back. He ran out of pistons.
Sad news is Ralph Hudson crashed while going 252 mph and is in critical condition.
I think his previous record was 297+ ... e=emb_logo
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