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Photo size

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:50 am
by John H
I don't have capabilities to downsize my photos. Is it possible for the software running this site to accept larger photo files and downsize them in the upload process. Maybe use thumbnails or increase the file size allowed?

Re: Photo size

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:40 am
by Dragonknee
Thats a good question, PM Bill he is the guru of the site...

Re: Photo size

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:37 am
by Da Nag
John H wrote:I don't have capabilities to downsize my photos. Is it possible for the software running this site to accept larger photo files and downsize them in the upload process. Maybe use thumbnails or increase the file size allowed?

The short answer is yes - I do have the capability to make server modifications to allow this, and will do so if need be.

However, might I ask why? If it's simply lack of tools/knowledge on your end, I'd rather post up a how-to addressing that. Resizing ahead of time on Mac or Windows is easily accomplished using existing or free apps/utilities - probably on mobile devices as well, but I'm not as familiar with those.

The main reason for my reluctance - I've got several other web sites running on this server, and uploading large files uses a fair amount of server resources. Not only the upload itself, but the resizing operation takes its toll, and uploading large files eats into the allotted bandwidth being paid for as well.

For the usage this site is getting now, these issues are very minimal - but it's something I'd rather not worry about long term.

Can you describe your photo taking/computer/phone setup?

Re: Photo size

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:15 pm
by John H
I use a MacBook Pro with I-Photo. No cell phone apps. Most of my photos are older, existing files and I-Photo has no provision for re-sizing.
I understand the cost of larger files and maybe it's not even a real issue with other members.


John H

Re: Photo size

PostPosted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:45 pm
by ClineDesign
If you export photos out of iPhoto you have the choice of small, medium, large, full size or Custom. Go to the File menu while in iPhoto/Export. If you export to medium your photo should be about 640 pixels wide and about 40k, a good size for this forum. If you export to custom you can make it whatever size you want.

Re: Photo size

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:46 am
by John H
Thanks for the help. I'm new to Macs.
Thanks for this website too.


Re: Photo size

PostPosted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:53 am
by ClineDesign
Not a problem. I've been using them since the 80's. Are you a member of SMUG,