Create a Personal Photo Album

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Create a Personal Photo Album

Postby admin » Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:57 am

Creating a personal photo album just takes a few steps.

- Go to your User Control Panel. On the home page, there's a link to it in the upper right box. In the forums as you are now, there's a link near the upper left corner.

- Click the Usergroups tab, then select the button next to Personal Photo Albums. Make sure "Join Selected" is showing (it's the default), then click the Submit button and say yes to the prompts. You should see something like this (click for larger image):


- Now, click on the Gallery Tab, then select the Manage personal albums to the left. You should see a Create personal album button like the following - go ahead and select it:


That's it!

If you want to keep things organized, you can create sub-albums under your main album from the screen you now see. You can also add photos to any of your albums from the links provided.

To access your album(s) in the future, you can do it in a couple of ways.

- Click User Control Panel --> Gallery Tab --> Manage personal albums


- Click the Gallery link (top right of all forum pages, upper left block on the home page), and there will be a link to your personal album in the User Personal Album section.
Site Admin
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Re: Create a Personal Photo Album

Postby John H » Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:16 pm

Attn: Bill

Re: Photo size

Postby John H » Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:50 am
I don't have capabilities to downsize my photos. Is it possible for the software running this site to accept larger photo files and downsize them in the upload process. Maybe use thumbnails or increase the file size allowed?
John H
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