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Valve grinder

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 6:27 pm
by Lotus54
I am sort of looking for a valve grinder. I foolishly didn’t bid on a nice old Soux machine (ok, years ago).

Anyone know of a functional one around for not a load of cash?

Re: Valve grinder

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 10:46 am
by ClineDesign
$1,000... is that not a lot of money? ... 721284827/


Re: Valve grinder

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2020 11:35 am
by Lotus54
I did contact that person.
  If not worn out- a fair price (also has seat grinder).

But then I realized it may not do small valve stems without searching for a proper collet.
So I’m going to keep my eyes open. One with the stone on the right side for stem ‘truing’ is more useful for other things.

I may just try lapping and bluing and see how they look. After cleaning up all the valves (I just took them all out this morning) I may just lap them. They look pretty darn good, except for carbon.
