As of several days ago, any request to http://www.olymoto.com is redirecting to http://www.olymoto.org. Check out the address bar in your browser, it's currently happening automatically - but only for another week or so. You'll all want to update your bookmarks to reflect the "org" address if that's how you get here. I'll also send out a board email to everyone registered here just in case they don't check in and see this before then. Nothing else changes - it's the same site under the covers. All the content remains, links will work, logins are the same, etc.
I've major plans for the OlyMoto name, which I'll share soon - just putting the final touches on the project now. As we discussed early on when I came up with and snagged OlyMoto, if there's ever a desire to point something here that actually reflects what we call ourselves or what we do - that's easily done. MCVE.org, MCVintageEccentrics.com, MotorcycleVintageEccentrics.com - lots of options. I'll pick up the tab, register it and point the site to any more relevant address the group wishes. Or, just keep accessing it via OlyMoly.org if nobody cares. Given there are about five regular visitors here, consensus shouldn't be too tough.