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Tri-Mac Speedsters at Speed Week 2018

PostPosted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 1:22 pm
by ClineDesign
I heard from Australia's Afflick Land Speed Racing Team that George ran today (Saturday) but the bike had a fuel issue so he pulled out. George is going for the LSR that Afflick set previously at 111.344 mph.

Re: Tri-Mac Speedsters at Speed Week 2018

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 10:45 am
by John H
George is sorting out a lean out fuel issue. Something he has never had before, even with the 125cc motor.
This morning he has changed the taper on the jet needle in an effort to richen up the wot mixture. Knowing George,
he will overcome.

Re: Tri-Mac Speedsters at Speed Week 2018

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 9:02 pm
by John H
The lean situation became serious enough to scorch a piston. George spent the rest of the day cleaning the aluminum off the cylinder and will be back to run tomorrow.
A memorable record was broken today by Mickey Thompson's son Danny. Almost 50 years ago Mickey took the Challenger ll
to a speed of 400+ but could not make the required return run to complete the requirements for a record.
Today, Danny backed up his record run and is now certified as the fastest piston engine/wheel driven car at 455 mph.
Better yet, his mom was there to see it happen. There are a few 500+ mph cars out there trying to be the first to 500.
Interesting that a 50 year old car now holds the record.