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PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:11 am
by Dragonknee
It seems that this web page is not getting the kind of attention we need to make it go. What is it that everyone is looking for? We got it away from the on line yahoo digest and got a web page.... We need to start using this to make this a good club. If the only time we talk is at the meetings, we won't ever get to get a tight cohisive group together.... Hopefully it will start rolling, but as far as I can see there is only a few of us that are using it....Lets getting going and make it happen..... :D

Re: Well...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:39 am
by John H
As with most forums, it takes an active moderator to get things going. A moderator is also a motivator. Keep up the good work.
John H

Re: Well...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:26 am
by jim honda
Sorry to be to busy to stop and let everyone know what's going on in Port Townsend.The crazy weather makes my morning ride to work interesting.Fog and 54 degrees at 8:30am and 72-74 degrees running to the bank and Post office at 4:00pm keeps your selection of riding gear tuff.I find after having the shop for going on 26 years now,June,July and August,my customers are riding more and talking and hanging out less.This is a normal year.When we start getting close to the end of August they start showing up again worried they'll miss the "Isle of Vashon", or the "Oyster Run",I wish we could all have a better way to meet and get together.Maybe we could try just a coffee shop somewhere downtown Port Angeles or Port Townsend in a week or two.I would like to ride my Honda SL100 around Sequim some Sunday with other small Vintage bikes and see all the back roads I haven't been on in 30 years. We'll need a guild who knows the way around.And let's keep it vintage and small bikes only.A personal note,my family owned 38 acres from the 1920's until 1970's at Dungeness and Woodcock? road.There was a small farmhouse,and large barn on the property.If you stop and look beyond all the homes you can see the farm the way it was 40 years ago.I spent alot of day trips to the farm from 1960 until the sale of the property,and my Aunt and Uncle moved into a new house a little south of down town Sequim until there passing.Let's do somthing now,while we can!Honda Jim

Re: Well...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:31 pm
by ClineDesign
Let me know if you get something going, I'd love to photograph it. On another note, is there a law on how many times can you continually go around those traffic circles in Sequim and PT? Great fun leaning further and further over while maintaining the speed limit.

Re: Well...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:29 pm
by Dragonknee
Cool, we need to get this going and you guys are... So post a time and a place and lets hope that people check. We can discuss our plans this thursday. I want this to happen and I want everyone to feel welcome....Thanks to those who are sticking with it....

Re: Well...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 11:05 pm
by John H
Some folks aren't familiar with the 'jump to' bar at the bottom of the home page.
That's a good place to post events since the calendar is 'non working'.
Maybe 'jump to bar' could be put in the 'contents' on the home page. Just trying to help.