Hello all...
Just a word about the July 22nd show and tell.. This is a chance for us to get our bikes out there all together in one place, to show them off a little to each other and to other people. We have seen a few bikes at meetings, but there are so many really nice ones owned by group members! Everybody likes to hang out around bikes and kick tires (not literally!) and talk old bikes and rides. We chose July hoping the weather will be wonderful...
I realize it is a ways off-- and I wasnt tooo clear about this last night at the meeting -- but PA Power would like to have an idea how many bikes to expect. PLEASE go over the the meeting forum and just post a short note that you are definitely interested-- ! Not a firm commitment at this time but they need a kind of idea to plan for how much space to allow for the bikes to be displayed...
SOOOoo... Please post a note for me on "meeting/gathering" forum, and/or come on in and get a form to fill out. We will do a final head count at the july meeting but we are trying to get organized ahead of time...
Thanks so much!! Carolyne