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Postby DougErickson » Mon Jun 22, 2020 7:46 pm

Its been a long time since I've added anything but I thought I would share some progress. The Sprint is running great, it did about 500 miles last year and I am approaching the same this year then I will mothball it again. The RD400 was a big project over the winter, I kept it mechanically very close to stock, the most significant change is I worked up a Pertronix EI for it. I am still a little off on the jetting but getting it sorted out. We did a long trip last summer- a big loop to Glacier, Rushmore, Tetons etc. 5000 miles in 15 days. I rode the 80 GS1000 Suzuki and Coya rode the 83 GR650 Suzuki. They both ran great and we will do more big trips but not this year, too much going on. Our youngest son moved back to town with his fiance and they are thriving, now our oldest is doing the same in a couple weeks so I'll have a couple more good dirtbike partners.
I miss the monthly dinner gatherings and will be glad if we can get back to that soon. We are hoping we can offer a garage meet later this summer for the group if the virus stuff loosens up. Doug
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Re: Update

Postby ATinkerer » Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:00 pm

Glad to hear that you and family are well.

Also looking forward to a meeting sometime in the relatively near future.
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Re: Update

Postby John H » Tue Jun 23, 2020 6:45 pm

Good to hear from you Doug. Sounds like you are staying busy and having fun. Don't be a stranger, if you are out riding come on by. A small bunch of guys have been getting together here once a week, of course with our tape measures handy. I may have a BBQ here this year if things go well.
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Re: Update

Postby DougErickson » Wed Jun 24, 2020 7:49 pm

Thanks John, do you guys have a routine day and time?
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Re: Update

Postby John H » Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:27 pm

Doug, as of next week we will be meeting at the Longhouse on Tuesdays at 8am.
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